Thursday 21 February 2008

Lets take a trip!!

I think during this module, organising a field trip to a suitible bad place would be beneficial to every member of the group. I think the most appropriate bad place to visit would be a high security prision, or police station / young offenders institute, theres are lots of different forms of bad within these places, it would also be a very fun and educational trip.


Anisha said...

A prison or youth offending would be good to visit. It would be interesting to go and maybe see people to see what their views and opinions of behaviour are. good choice!!

SM4eva said...

Hiya - I know you probably meant this light-heartedly, but I think a visit to a prison would be a waste of time. Firstly, everyone would probably have to show loads of ID to get in etc. Then, as they know it's a visit from University Student,s we would be unlikely to see the real goings on in the jail - just the cleaned up version that they want the world to know. Also - I think that when you meet alot of mass murderers and stuff, they can often seem like normal people. And... of course, they say that most people who are in prison claim to be innocent! I suggest that the only way you're going to see bad behaviour therefore is to actually comitt a crime and get locked up - then you will see any bad behvoiur first hand - and you might actually end up doing some yourself!

Zahra said...

You suggested a “high security prison, or police station or a young offenders institute”. Not quite sure how it is going to work but it is a good idea because there are going to be hundreds of bad people. I think it is going to be very difficult to get in their and there will be several complications.